


does it work? well for me it does work, the image on the left is from 2011, the image on the right is from December 2013, I have lost 3 stone in weight.

yes it does work.


It's a lottery!!

The BONUS BALL! Many a workplace have a syndicate who pay their hard earned money hoping and praying that their chosen number just happens to be drawn out as the weeks National Lottey Bonus Ball. An amazing £49 could be won (more if it's a rollover) and it is all down to luck. Or is it, are there some mysterious forces in action here? Well Sian would have you believe so. "Some folk have won it 3 times now, me, not once, not a bean!" not in the slightest bit bitter about thi,s Sian continues to hedge her bets, pay her money and gleefully watch Dale Winton play with his balls every week, just once she wants her number to come out, thats all she asks, so come on World! pray for Sian, that £49 will go a long way to buying copious amounts of alcohol, the source of many a mirthful weekend!

Together we can make a difference!


Long time no see....Fat Camp anyone?

Feels like ages since we last blogged, I see views have slipped away this week. I am sorry about that, must try to update more.

Sian recently 'dared' me to go to 'Fat Camp' next time I visit Ipswich. This 'dare' i gleefully took, thinking, how hard can it be? loads of not so fit people, lumbering around the sports hall, doing a few press ups, sit ups and the like. I think of myself being reasonably fit, but as of yet I have not yet come through on the dare, to be honest I have not been to Ipswich either....but the dare is still live, i will be there, i will put my body to the test!! And hopefully survive to tell the tale. I will keep you updated with events, hopefully not long off before the 'dare' happens.


Coughs and Sneezies spread diseases

Especailly with that Bloody Colin in your office.

Poor Sian, stricken this week with the female version of 'Man Flu' Weeks of breathing in the floating germs of an office collegue have finally caught up with her, this time it has gripped her tight, squeezing the living crap out of her to the point of no return.

No amount of Lemsip or Paracetemol will work, this bug is a tough cookie, it's not called 'Man Flu' for nothing, it's a stubborn little blighter! This just goes to prove that offices, and work in general, is not good for you....we should all go back to living like cavemen , running around free and wild, no such thing as bugs and germs back then!

All in favour say 'Aye'...


I can't take a 12 incher!!

So Sian says, apparently 6 inches is enough for her.

I am of course talking about Subway sandwiches AGAIN!, or 'Subs' as they are know worldwide. I love nothing more than a foot-long Italian herb and cheese bread containing all the meat it can hold, then, red onion, cucumber, lettuce, green pepper and tomato with a light mayo dressing.

As a side to this 'Sub' it will be a medium Coke and a bag of crisps.

I am beginning to sense all we chat about is food....................

More to follow in this Subway series, new episodes include Sian's favourite 'Sub of the day' and 'tales of a sandwich maker when we will be following the life of a typical Subway sandwich technician'*

*of course we won't...it just sounded funny.


Thanks 4Music for making my morning!

Top 20 Beyonce videos, bejesus, this just cements her position at Number 1 for me  :D


"Hunters chicken for one, sir?"

Well no thanks garcon, i will have the lamb shank, what the hell, Trendsetter are paying so I will push the boat out a bit.

It could have been so much better, the evening we had planned was going to be epic, but the lack of enthusiasm, and people having 'other plans' put paid to the plan of a Trendsetter(well me)/Debach night out. Good food, couple of drinky poo's, the anticipation was killing me. But it wasn't to be, so there I was, all alone in The Beagle, sat amongst other single blokes, it looked liked something out of a dating evening, where the blokes sit at their tables and have 5 minutes to woo the ladies one by one.
   There was no wooing tonight, just a lamb shank, and a couple of pints.

The evening promised to get better actually.Liverpool were on TV, i had my laptop, signed into Sky, i could enjoy the game, or I could have done if I hadn't left my frigging plug in the office!!!!  I managed to watch around 1 hour of the game in total. The battery dying, and lack of wi-fi contributed in me witnessing 1 goal out of the 3 stunners by captain fantastic, Mr Stevie G, who apparently hits the ball 40 yards, he's big and he's f**king hard, Ste Gerrard, Gerrard.

Hopefully next time we can arrange a lovely evening out, let's hope everyone is available for that one  :)