
Coughs and Sneezies spread diseases

Especailly with that Bloody Colin in your office.

Poor Sian, stricken this week with the female version of 'Man Flu' Weeks of breathing in the floating germs of an office collegue have finally caught up with her, this time it has gripped her tight, squeezing the living crap out of her to the point of no return.

No amount of Lemsip or Paracetemol will work, this bug is a tough cookie, it's not called 'Man Flu' for nothing, it's a stubborn little blighter! This just goes to prove that offices, and work in general, is not good for you....we should all go back to living like cavemen , running around free and wild, no such thing as bugs and germs back then!

All in favour say 'Aye'...

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